Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Media Jedi

Just incase for some odd reason you aren't familiar with one of the greatest movie series of all time, here's a brief lesson on the term "Jedi". The Jedi are characters in the Star Wars universe and the series' main protagonists. They use a quasi-telekinetic power, known as the Force, and weapons, known as lightsabers, which emit a controlled energy flow in the shape of a sword, to serve and protect their Republic and the whole galaxy from conflict or government instability. This concludes Star Wars 101.

I proclaim myself as a media jedi because I too use the force and my weapons to protect the world from conflict and government instability. In my life, the "force" is media, and my "weapons' are cameras, lights, microphones, and Final Cut Pro. And I'm quite deadly with those weapons, might I say. My personal goal is to be the next Michael Moore with a side of Spike Lee.


Writer, Director, Editor

Class Group Project: Editor and Writer

Writer, Editor, Director

Director and Editor

First Short Film Fall 2008: Editor, Co-Producer


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